Honorary Chairmen Prof. Fethallah Ouahbi TEBBOUNE (The University Rector)Prof. Ben Yahia SAIDI (Dean of the Faculty of Letters, Languages, and Arts)Dr. Kamal NASRI (Head of the Department of English Language…
Integrating English Language Learning
The Department of English Language and Literature Organizes The First National Conference on Integrating English Language Learning for Teachers in Algerian Universities: Challenges and Perspectives إدراج اﻟﻠــــــــــــﻐﺔ اﻻﻧﺠﻠﯿــــــﺰﯾﺔ ﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ أﺳﺎﺗﺬة…
أدب عربي
الجمهوريّة الجزائريّة الدّيمقراطيّة الشّعبيّة وزارة التّعليم العاليّ والبحث العلميّ المَركَز الجَامِعي بمَغنيَّة تِلمسَان معهد الآداب واللّغات قسم اللّغة العربيّة وآدابها ينظـّم الملتقى الوطني حول الأدب في زمن جائحة كورونا يومي…
The Hybrid International Conference on Technological Impact, Economy and Education: Deficiencies, Challenges and Perspectives
The Hybrid International Conference on Technological Impact, Economy and Education is a premier event dedicated to exploring and discussing the intersection of technology, economy, and education. It brings together experts…
the First International Hybrid Conference on Shaping Identities in Literary and Translated Texts
The Conference on Shaping Identities in Literary and Translated Texts is an annual event that brings together experts to explore the different ways in which identities are expressed in literature…
1er Colloque International EAU & ENVIRONNEMENT Partager pour préserver Mars 2023, Centre Universitaire de Maghnia, Algérie
LETTRE D’INVITATION C’est avec grand plaisir que nous vous invitons à participer en tant que membre du comité scientifique au premier colloque international sur « Eau et Environnement: partager pour préserver »…